Honeywell (Elster) - Bulk Water Meter - H4000 - 200mm
Detailed Description:
200mm H4000 350mm Long
Helix H4000 Woltmann WP Type Meter Drilled SABS 1123 Table 16 (Without Flange Pack)
Dual Drilled To Both BS4504 Table 16 And BS10 Table D
The Honeywell Helix H4000 is manufactured from the highestquality materials for maximium resistance to wear andcorrosion. Meter body and cover are epoxy powdercoated for protection in all environments. Thrust padsand stub spindles are manufactured in tungsten carbideand jewelled rotor bearings are used for maximumwear life.
Reverse Flow Metering:
Available in sizes up to 250mm, reverse flow meteringaids network management and ensures accuracy inrevenue billing applications.Available in ten sizes for flow rates between 0.35m3/h and 2000 m3/h, the Helix H4000 operates attemperatures up to 50oC and a maximum workingpressure of 16 Bar. Accuracy is maintained in bothforward and reverse flow, and various register optionsare available to suit different applications. Themeter complies with all relevant international qualitystandards, substantially exceeding ISO4064 BS5728.Class B specifications for forward flow installations inhorizontal, vertical and inclined pipelines.
In-Line StrainerThe use of an in-line strainer is recommended to protectthe rotor and help reduce the effect of turbulence.
Lead Time:
1-3 Days.
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